University of Bologna (UNIBO)


Department carrying out activities: Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism (CAST)

The University of Bologna (UNIBO), created in 1088, is recognized as the oldest university in the western world, and one of the largest in Italy (with more than 85,000 enrolled students per year).  At the University of Bologna, activities related to European funding programs are supported by the European Research and Innovation Office, which has more than 10 years’ experience with European projects. With about 30 people, organized in 4 thematic units plus another unit specifically devoted to ERC and Marie Curie programs, the office assists research groups in the whole project lifecycle: networking and lobbying, consortium building, proposal preparation, negotiation and project management. The European Research and Innovation Office steadily cooperates with the Knowledge Transfer Office, supporting the IP protection and exploitation, and the take up and commercialization of project results.  Starting from February 2014 the new Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism (CAST) of the University of Bologna has been established in Rimini Campus, thanks to the cooperation of four Departments (DiSA, DSE, QuVi, STAT). The Center aim is to foster advanced scientific research and professional training in the tourism field under a multidisciplinary perspective. The former School for Advanced Studies in Tourism, born in 2004 in Rimini Campus, has been deactivated and its activities integrated in the new structure. The CAST continues the long tradition of research and education in the tourism field introduced in Rimini by the University of Bologna in the 1960s. The mission of the Center includes promotion, design and implementation of research projects, lifelong learning courses, advanced education in different tourism sciences fields: tourism economics, tourism statistics, tourism management, tourism geography, tourism history, tourism law and policy, sustainable tourism, etc. The Center is member of the UNESCO/Unitwin Network “Culture, Tourism, Development”, of the Network for Cultural Routes Studies of the Council of Europe, of EUNek and is establishing international bilateral agreements with universities, ONG and research centers in the field of tourism around the World.




He is an economist, trying to spot what are the novel and unexplored challenges of the tourism sector from the economics perspective. His current research interests are: i) the problem of coordination within tourism destinations; ii) the relationship between tourism specialization, economic growth and social sustainability (particularly in terms of impact on poverty and inequality); iii) big data and destination management. Other research interests outside tourism economics include the socio-economic effects of globalization policies; Social economics and Income inequality.



Over 20 years of experience in economic and socio-economic research and teacher with the University of Bologna. She has vast experience in research activities, with emphasis on socio-economic statistical surveys. Lately, She´s involved in research projects on water demand and environment impact studies. She has extensive experience in environmental economics and in the conception, implementation and design of statistical quantitative instruments. Anna is particularly skilled in data gathering and evaluation, strong background in the adaption of different model to specific cases. She has excellent knowledge of national and international statistical sources; excellent analytical capabilities, and with issues in water supply, waste generation, earthquake economic consequences and statistical analysis at territorial level, with proficient use of both graphic/cartographic (ArcView, Geoda) and statistical (STATA, SAS) software packages.



Elisa Magnani interested in cultures and tourism and, even if it may seem odd, she has written a book on the heritage of the slave trade in Africa, where she has carried out several months of fieldwork research in 2003-2004 (Senegal) and 2008 (Mozambique). She is also particularly interested in climate change and how societies act to manage it through adaptation and mitigation strategies; she strongly believes that we all should be more aware of how much each one of can do in this respect, both with our political choices and our behavior.



Assistant Professor in Economic Policy, University of Bologna, January 2005. Director of Studies of the Master in Economics and Market Policy,, two year international master programme taught in English and offered at the Rimini campus of the University of Bologna; October 2012 – Director of Studies of the Master in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development,, two year international master programme taught in English and offered at the Rimini campus of the University of Bologna; October 2013 – June 2016.