Blue Growth is a long-term EU strategy that supports sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors. Indeed, seas and oceans are drivers for the European economy and have great potential for innovation, jobs and growth.
In this respect, the Soclimpact project proposes the creation of a European islands network and a common Blue Growth framework to work on the adaptation to Climate Change (CC), which will not only provide evidence-based information to facilitate decision-making processes at regional level, but also generate downscaled information to complement and nourish actual projections for Europe.
Given the expertise of the project partners, and the impossibility of covering all the blue economy activities, the Soclimpact project focuses on four blue economy sectors: Tourism, Aquaculture, Maritime Transport and Energy to assess CC risks. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the socio-economic modelling of CC impacts will include the subsequent effects on the rest of the economies of the islands and Europe.
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