¨The Climate Change and Whale Watching activity¨ is a PhD project supported by SOCLIMPACT. The project is part of a PhD scholarship funded by the Portuguese Science and Foundation Technology attributed to Andreia Sousa, a young researcher from the Centre for ecology, evolution and environmental changes – CE3C (ce3c.ciencias.ulisboa.pt) – and our partner FCiencias ID (University of Lisbon).

Focusing on the archipelagos of The Azores, Madeira and The Canary Islands (EU islands of Macaronesia), the research work aims to assess the biological and socio-economic implications of climate change for whale watching. Additionally, through an expert-assisted process, it will review and evaluate practical adaptation measures to support local, national, and European decision-makers in responding and ensuring the long-term sustainability of this tourism activity.

Read more: https://climate-adapt.eea.europa.eu/news-archive/soclimpact-project-case-study-whale-watching-and-climate-change-in-european-islands