The sixth Med-CORDEX workshop was held from 25 to 29 November 2019 in Toulouse (France).

The sixth Med-CORDEX workshop aims to review the activities of the second phase of Med-CORDEX, including the so-called reference runs with coupled RCSM and the three Cordex flagship pilot studies proposed by Med-CORDEX (FPS-convection, FPS-aerosol, FPS-sea). Emphasis will be placed on:

  • Multi-model analysis for past and future climate evolutions
  • Very high resolution, convection-permitting climate modelling
  • Component interactions (atmosphere, land, ocean, aerosol, biogeochemistry,…) in the Mediterranean regional climate system
  • New ideas and appraches in regional climate modelling
  • Use of regional climate models to solve key scientific questions for the Mediterranean region
  • User-oriented approaches, data and metadata availability
  • Med-CORDEX achievements so far and open challenges for the coming years

Soclimpact researchers participated in this event.