The Canary Islands Institute of Technology (ITC)


Department carrying out activities: Renewable Energies

The Canary Islands Institute of Technology (ITC) is attached to the Regional Ministry of Economy, Industry, Trade and Innovation of the Canary Islands Government. The main objectives of ITC’s Renewable Energy Department are to encourage the industrial development of the Canary Islands in the fields of renewable energies, to promote the implementation of renewable energy systems in the Canary Islands, and to contribute to transfer clean energy technologies to neighboring less developed countries of the Western African Coast.




Salvador Suarez has an BA in Aerospace engineering (Boston University), Master in Business Administration (Universidad Católica – Caracas), and Master in Industrial Organization Engineering (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria). As Head of ITC’s Renewable Energy Department, he coordinates a group of 21 engineers and technical staff working on stand-alone renewable energy solutions for electricity generation, hydrogen production, and to power cooling and heat production systems. He has experience in EC financed projects and is professor of the Renewable Energies Master program of the University of La Laguna (Tenerife). He also cooperates in task groups advising the Canary Island Regional Government in its energy policy, in particular in renewable energies with contributions to the elaboration of the energy plan of the Canary Islands and the elaboration of the Wind Map and the Biomass Map of the Canary Islands, assessing the wind resources of the archipelago, The Strategic Plan of Electric Vehicles, and other energy planning documents.



Elena Sánchez is member of the Renewable Energy Department of the Canary Island Institute of Technology (ITC). She is degree in Industrial Engineering by the ULPGC and Master in Renewable Energy in Electric Systems by the UC3M. She has worked in different Research centres and public companies where she has gained experience in  research work in different fields, mostly related with renewable energies, for several European, National and Cooperation projects with other Macaronesia regions. Moreover, she has also collaborated in these projects in coordination tasks such as technical and economic justifications, website management, and organization of project meetings and scientific-technical events, and worked in technical studies related to energy for the Canary Islands Regional Government.

Name: tomás cambreleng


Project Engineer; Renewable Energy Department . Wind energy, energy and hydrogen stand alone system projects. Mechanical Engineering, Energy Technology, Engineering Design . Technical University of Denmark (DTU) .Knowledge in wind energy, aerodynamics of wind turbines, blade design and construction, materials (composites) for blade manufacturing. Wind resource assessment. Hydrogen fuel cells and production for energy stand alone systems .Competent with most Microsoft Office programmes. Competent with technical programmes (Autocad, MATLAB $ SIMULINK, HOMER)



Santiago Díaz Ruano is member of the Renewable Energy Department of the Canary Island Institute of Technology (ITC). He has a PhD in wind energy engineering (onshore and offshore) and expertise in the design and deployment of forecasting models, Energy Management Systems, communication systems and other computational technologies related to renewable energies. He has collaborated in technical tasks on different R&D projects, dealing with design, calculations, technical and economic feasibility analysis, development of awareness and training activities and elaboration of guidelines. He also has experience in energy store applications.