Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCIENCIAS.ID)


Department carrying out activities: Faculdade de Ciencias

The Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, FP (FCIENCIAS.ID) is a Public Foundation under Private Law, a non-profit organization, endowed with legal personality. FCIENCIAS.ID was created in 1993 as an initiative of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL) to promote and facilitate scientific research, technology and development services to society, and to organize qualified human resources training and consulting expertise and knowledge dissemination. FCIENCIAS.ID acts as the legal front institution of multiple research units, from different scientific fields, carrying out research work and managing financial and administratively R&D projects. Currently, FCIENCIAS.ID manages over 400 projects and implements a professional (and constantly audited) management of around 20 research units, in the fields of Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geology, Geophysics, Space, Astronomy, Biology, Computer Science and Informatics, Education Sciences and Philosophy and History of Sciences. Many of these R&D activities are developed together with international teams and are funded both at National and European levels. At European level FCIENCIAS.ID has the experience of managing circa one hundred EU FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects. FCUL acts as a third party in those R&D projects based on a scientific agreement in force since the FCIENCIAS.ID establishment. The third party carries out part of the work directly and FCIENCIAS.ID is responsible for part of the scientific and technical work as well.




Hugo Pires Costa is an Environmental Engineer from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon. He started his scientific research path in 2011 with CIRAC- Maps and Flood Risk in climate change scenarios. Since then he has been participating in projects like: CLIMA-Madeira, ClimAdaPT.Local and recently coordinating the climate change adaptation on PRAC-Açores. His main research interest is climate change adaptation, focused on vulnerability indexes to decision and technological approaches. He was President of the NGO Euronatura (2008-2012).



Andreia Sousa is a Biologist with a Master degree from the University of Aveiro (Portugal). She started her research career in cetacean ecology and has worked in both national and European projects with a focus on climate research and policy as well as climate change impacts and adaptation on biodiversity.



Rob Swart (1954) currently is coordinator of international climate change adaptation research at Wageningen Environmental Research in The Netherlands. He is also associated with the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation and Modelling group (CCIAM) at Lisbon University and currently involved in several national, European and international projects in the area of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Previously, he headed the European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and was extensively involved in the work of the IPCC. Most of his career he worked at the interface of science and policy on integrated assessment of international environmental problems in the
context of sustainable development at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL). Rob holds a MSc in environmental engineering from Delft University of Technology and a PhD in climate risk assessment from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He has more than 180 publications, of which 60 in peer-reviewed journals or publications and 10 (authored or edited) books.



Tiago Capela Lourenço is an Environmental Engineer with a PhD in Environmental Sciences working as researcher at FFCUL since 2005. He was responsible for the Portuguese participation in the CIRCLE ERANet (2005-2009) and coordinated the CIRCLE-2 ERA-Net (2010-2014). He is involved in the Horizon 2020 project PLACARD and FP7 projects IMPRESSIONS and BASE and has been serving as CIRCLE-2 observer to the JPI Climate. He has been involved (since 2011) in the European Topic Centre on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA) of the European Environment Agency (EEA) having worked, among other issues, on the development of the Climate-ADAPT platform. He has been involved in multiple national research and consultancy projects in the field of climate adaptation and has been working extensively with the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) in the development and implementation of the Portuguese National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. He has  several publications and has just edited a book on Climate Adaptation and Uncertainties.



Ricardo Encarnação Coelho is an Industrial Engineer from Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon) who has specialized in renewable energy and climate action. He started working in solar thermal energy and thermal systems in 2007, both analysis, simulation and consulting as an expert. In 2015 he joined climate change adaptation on PRAC-Azores being responsible for the energy sector. He was also involved in municipal adaptation projects in the energy and transport sector both in Oeiras (PMAACO) and the community 16 municipalities of the Algarve (PIAAC-AMAL). His main research interest is climate change action for the energy sector, focused on a well-adapted decarbonization of the economy, using both technology and stakeholder engagement. He is also interested in the decarbonization of aviation.