External Experts
Santiago Hernández-León is a biological oceanographer at the Institute of Oceanography and Global Change in the Canary Islands. He obtained the degree in biology in 1980 and received a Ph.D in Oceanography in 1986 from the Universidad de La Laguna (Canary Islands). He is professor (chair) of zoology in the Marine Sciences School at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He was Vice-Dean of this Faculty from 1994 to 1998, and Dean from 2004 to 2005. His research interest is related to the effect of climate on the ecology and physiology of plankton communities. He has been working on the role of microplankton, mesoplankton, and micronekton in the oceanic carbon flux from the Arctic to Antarctica, but he is especially interested in the assessment of the biological carbon pump and how the ocean is exporting and sequestering carbon. He is also interested in the study of trophic cascades and how they affect the ocean biogeochemistry.
Full Professor and Head of the group Biological Oceanography at the IOCAG- ULPGC. Published over 150 JCR publications on biological oceanography, biogeochemistry and carbon fluxes in the ocean. More recently, working on the effects of climate-change drivers on planktonic communities, and on nature-based solutions to enhance carbon dioxide removal. Editor in Chief of “Deep Sea Research II” and Associate Editor of “Frontiers in Marine Science”. Contributing Author for the the IPCC 5th AR (2014) and Lead Author for the “IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (2017-2019)”. SSC member and Vice-Chair of the IMBER IGBP programme on global change (2007-2013). Awarded with the 2015 “Helmholtz International Fellow Award” by the German Association of Research Centres of Excellence.