11 Congreso Internacional Asociación Española de Climatología

Cartagena (Spain).

The AEC is a scientific association whose objective is to promote the study of climate and the progress of atmospheric sciences in Spain. It is open to scientists and professionals from all fields of knowledge directly involved or interested in the study of climate. SOCLIMPACT project researchers: Jesús Gutierrez-Fernández, Juan Jesús González Alemán y Miguel Ángel Gaertner. Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales (ICAM) from Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), presented: “Evolución futura de los ciclones con características tropicales en la cuenca mediterranea: efectos de utilizar modelos de alta resolución o con acoplamiento atmósfera-océano”. They performed an analysis for the future climate scenario RCP85 until 2100. Every two years AEC holds an international meeting where the results of the research on different weather and climate topics are updated.

More info: https://aeclim.org



Oct 17 2018 - Oct 19 2018


All Day