
Department carrying out activities: E3 Modelling Ike

E3M is a private capital company, established in Greece, based on know how created through research activities performed since 1988, within the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the National Technical University of Athens. E3M specialises in the development and use of large-scale applied models and carries out impact assessment studies focusing in the fields of economy, energy and the environment. The company provides consultancy services based on the use of complex large-scale applied mathematical models and inherits the curriculum of E3MLab, the modelling experience and the personnel. The company has specialized expertise and knowledge in the fields of energy and environmental economics. It has extensive experience on the impact assessment of GHG mitigation policies, the evaluation of energy efficiency measures and on the assessment of alternative measure for climate change adaptation.




Pantelis Capros is a Professor of Energy Economics and Operation Research at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National Technical University of Athens. He was the Chairman of the Regulatory Authority for Energy in Greece from 2000 to September 2004. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Greek Public Corporation for 5 years. Prof. Capros holds an engineering degree from NTUA, 3 DEAs in Economics, Informatics and Operations Research from ENSAE, University of Dauphine, Paris and a Doctorat d’Etat in Mathematical Economics from University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. He has over 30 years’ professional experience in the domain of energy, transport, environment and economic policy. Consultant to the European Commission, several European Governments and energy companies. He is specialised in Energy and transport modelling, economic modelling, energy forecasting and planning, econometrics, integrated assessment modelling, software engineering and databases. He has built and used a variety of large-scale mathematical models.



Zoi Vrontisi has more than 10 years of professional and academic experience in energy and climate policy assessment. She contributes as a senior researcher and project manager for several EU funded research projects focusing on the interlinkages between sustainable development and climate policy, the socioeconomic assessment of climate impacts and the formulation of sustainable energy policies. She has a strong know-how in quantitative assessments with the application of sophisticated modelling tools, in particular with the large-scale, hybrid CGE model GEM-E3. In addition to her experience in E3-Modelling, she has worked for the European Commission (JRC), the Greek Ministry of Development, research institutes (E3MLab, NTUA) and the private sector. She has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Independent Power Transmission Operator of Greece and has been the Chairwoman of the National Center for the Environment and Sustainable Development of Greece for the last 5 years. Zoi holds an Electrical and Computer Engineering 5-year degree from NTUA and a M.Sc. in Environmental Technology and Energy Policy from Imperial College.



Leonidas Paroussos holds a degree in Economics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has an MSc in Finance from the University of ESSEX, UK and a PhD in “Energy and Climate Change: An Economic Analysis in the Context of Computable General Equilibrium”. He is a researcher in the general equilibrium modelling team of E3-Modelling and he has 15 years of experience in modelling particularly in the development of the GEM-E3 model. He is experienced in transport economics, climate change policy assessment, environmental economics, energy analysis, macroeconomic and regional modelling. He is an expert in collecting and reconciling large datasets following the regular database updates and modelling extensions of the GEM-E3 model.