Experts from the IDAERed Eléctrica and ITC connected online to analyse the impact of Climate Change on the generation, transmission and demand for energy in island territories. The webinar series was held from 21st to 25th September, 2020, coordinated by the Soclimpact’s partner ITC, in collaboration with TIDES Institute of ULPGC and  Red Eléctrica de España,  IDAE and EnerOcean and Applied Renewables Research, Ltd.

Rising temperatures as a result of Climate Change have a direct impact on the increase in energy demand for cooling and water supply. These are some of the SOCLIMPACT project projections that were analysed during the three webinars.

The series of webinars covered the different stages of the energy value chain. The session focused on the main challenges faced by the Canary and Balearic Islands in achieving the Community objective of decarbonising energy systems, which is committed to achieving climate neutrality with a reduction of at least 90% of gross Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.

Members of the SOCLIMPACT work team discussed several energy issues such as the great potential for the development of marine energies in the Canary Islands (electricity generation), the available technological options, the repowering needs in electrical infrastructures (transport and distribution) etc. They also discussed mitigation actions linked to energy efficiency to support the expected increase in electricity demand due to Climate Change.

You can access the webinar series at the following link: