Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is a group of experts selected by the Soclimpact POT to advise on issues related to Climate Change. The following five persons constitute the final list of accepted members.




Prof. Walter Leal (BSc, PhD, DSc, DL, DPhil, DLitt), head of the Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainability and Climate Change Management” at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, has been working in the field of environmental and sustainable development since 1987. He initiated the International Climate Change Information Programme (ICCIP), publishes several international journal and book series and acts as review editor for the International Panel of Climate Change. His main interests are in Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Energy as well as innovation and general Life Sciences.

Name: Peggy Gräfe


Peggy Gräfe studied agricultural and horticultural sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, and has worked at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research since 1993. Her initial research focus was on analysing the impacts of enriched CO2 on plant growth. Later on she was involved in several projects on integrated climate impact studies in different regions. Since 2008 she is the science coordinator of Research Domain 2 “Climate Impacts and Vulnerabilities” at PIK.

Name: Anil Markandya


Professor Markandya is a resource economist who graduated from the London School of Economics with a Master of Science in Econometrics in 1968 and was awarded his Ph.D. on the Economics of the Environment in 1975. Since then he has divided his time between academic and advisory work. On the academic side he has published widely in the areas of climate change, environmental valuation, environmental policy, energy and environment, green accounting, macroeconomics and trade. Some of his best-known works include, ´Blueprint for a Green Economy’, ´Green Accounting in Europe’, ´Reconciling Trade and Development’ and ´Cleaning the Ganges’. He was a lead author for Chapters of the 3rd and 4th IPCC Assessment Reports on Climate Change. Professor Markandya has worked extensively on climate change and energy and environment issues and has received a number of awards. 

Name: Juan Carlos Ciscar


Juan Carlos Ciscar coordinates the team on the economic analysis of climate policies in the Joint Research Center (JRC) in the European Commission. Before joining the European Commission, he taught economic theory at Universidad de Valencia and worked at the Ministry of Economics & Finance of Spain in Madrid. At JRC he works on the quantitative analysis of climate change impacts through the integration of economic and biophysical impact models, using computable general equilibrium (CGE) models and other economic tools. He has coordinated the various PESETA studies on the impacts of climate change in Europe.  

Name: Marc Zebisch


Marc Zebisch is a Senior Researcher at the European Academy (EURAC), Institute for Alpine Environment, Bolzano and specialized in monitoring and modelling land-use dynamics and consequences of global change by means of GIS, remote sensing and modelling techniques. Marc Zebisch graduated at the Potsdam University (Institute for Geoecology) and obtained his Ph.D. at the Technical University of Berlin (Institute for Landscape Development) in 2004. At the Potsdam University he was a co-worker in projects on land-use dynamics in Mongolia and the impacts of land use on the water cycle. From 2000 – 2005 he was working at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) where he wrote his Ph.D. on modelling the consequences of land-use changes on biodiversity. In the last two years at PIK he contributed as co-author to the EEA-report ‘Impacts of Europe’s changing climate’ and as a leading author to the report ‘Climate Change in Germany – Vulnerability and Adaptation of Climate Sensitive Systems’ financed by the German Federal Environment Agency. In May 2005 he moved to Bolzano, Italy. Currently he is working at EURAC on identifying sensitive regions within the alpine space and on monitoring historical and recent land-use changes in the Alps.